Every quartet needs a solid bass vocalist to anchor their sound. The Ball Brothers recently added the talented Jon Epley as their new bass. Epley previously served as the baritone and later bass singer of the legendary Inspirations fillinf the shoes of popular bass singer Mike Holcomb. When I heard that Epley had joined the group, I was excited to hear the new blend and sound. The Ball Brothers have always been a innovative group in terms of musical arrangments and harmonies and Epley fit right in adding a smooth low part. The future is bright for this incredible quartet! I recently contacted Mr. Epley via Facebook and he graciously agreed to this interview.
So without further ado, here it is!
J. Gilmore: Hello Mr. Epley, how did you get your start in Southern Gospel music?
J. Epley: I grew up singing with my family, traveling around all over the U.S. and Canada. Then I sang with several church groups, before traveling with my wife, Tiffany, and singing for about 2 years. In 2010, I joined The Inspirations, and that was my first real "industry" job.
J. Gilmore: Great! Who are your musical influences?
J. Epley: Individual singers that I have loved listening to, and tried to learn from are Rusty Goodman, Guy Penrod, David Phelps, and a few others. As far as groups, there are several. Gaither Vocal Band was probably my biggest influence musically, as far as harmonies and arrangements. But there are several Southern Gospel groups, as well as more progressive and contemporary singers and bands, that I love to listen to. Too many to start naming actually.
J. Gilmore: Fantastic! I am a big fan of the Gaither Vocal Band! Who is your favorite bass singer? Singer in general? (in Gospel or secular music).
J. Epley: Of course I love George Younce. I love him because he wasn't a growler. I'm not a big fan of growling bass singers. I like guys that just really sing. As far as secular singers, I love all the old crooners, and modern day singers like Michael Buble, Harry Connick Jr., and many more.
J. Gilmore: George is one of my all time favorites as well! The crooners are great too! Who are your favorite groups? Past or present
J. Epley: In SG, Cathedrals, GVB (as I already mentioned), Brian Free and Assurance, The Isaacs, The Ball Brothers of course , and several other quartets and trios. Outside of SG, I love Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Phillips, Craig, and Dean, Avalon, Steven Curtis Chapman, For God and Country, Jeremy Camp, and several more.
J. Gilmore: Great list! What was it like singing with The Inspirations and eventually taking Mike Holcomb's spot at bass?
J. Epley: I grew up on a lot of The Inspirations' songs, so for me to be able to sing with a group with such a history and legacy was a real honor. As a young boy, I would walk around my house imitating Mike Holcomb, and trying to talk and sing as low as possible. Therefore, taking over his part was almost surreal, and I never took that lightly.
J. Gilmore: Awesome! How did you come in contact with The Ball Brothers?
J. Epley: We have known each other since we were teenagers actually. Our families used to sing in several of the same churches and meetings. So we have a long history together. They have been great friends for many years.
J. Gilmore: Cool! What are you looking forward to the most about traveling with this group?
J. Epley: 2 things: I am really excited about the style. I love complex harmonies, chords, and arrangements, and so to be able to get back to doing that kind of thing is something I'm really happy about. Secondly, I am really excited to get to play the piano again. We have been incorporating some piano songs into our set, and I have really missed getting to play. I really enjoy it.
J. Gilmore: That’s great! You sang bass with the Inspirations and now with The Ball Brothers, what is the lowest bass note you can hit?
J. Epley: At any given time, I can hit a B flat 3, but in concert I usually don't go below a C3. On some really good mornings I can go as low as a G2, but that is not the norm for me. I never do "vocal fry". If I can't hit a real, full voice note, I don't attempt it. Some guys are great at vocal fry, and make it sound very full and awesome. That's not in my repertoire lol.
J. Gilmore: Impressive! What is your favorite song to sing?
J. Epley: With the Ball Brothers it is probably Someday, Nothing to Bring Him, or Peace of God. As much as I love singing SG style bass, on those songs I get to sing a fourth harmony/fill bass, and I love it.
J. Gilmore: Those are some great songs! What is your favorite Scripture verse?
J. Epley: 1 Corinthians 15:58
J. Gilmore: What is something that people might not know about you?
J. Epley: I am double jointed, so my fingers bend completely backwards until they touch the top of my hand. Weird and random I know.
J. Gilmore: That’s crazy! I’m double jointed as well, but I can’t do that! What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your years of singing Gospel music?
J. Epley: My most memorable experience happened this month (April) when we did a 10 day tour in Ireland/Northern Ireland. It was amazing!
J. Gilmore: Great! What can fans expect from the Ball Brothers this year?
J. Epley: We have a new CD releasing very soon called #Throwback. It's a budget project of our "take" on some songs that we grew up singing and love to sing. #Throwback is not a mainline release album, but I am thrilled with how it turned out. Since their latest mainline album, Pursuit, has not been out that long, it will probably be a little while before we do another completely Ball Brothers' style album, but I'm really looking forward to doing that!
J. Gilmore: Looking forward to it! Any advice for aspiring Gospel artists?
J. Epley: Never be too good to sing anywhere. I have performed multiple times on Main Stage, Memphis Quartet Show, Brumley Gospel Sing, and many more huge stages. However, I've had some of the most fulfilling times of my life singing at a nursing home or in a hospital room. Just being an encouragement to someone who needs it, whether it be thousands of people or 10 people, is what it's all about. If God sees that you're faithful to a few, he knows that you'll be faithful to many. A lot of doors may close in your face, but don't ever give up, and don't ever stop pursing what you believe God has called you to do!
J. Epley: Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to interview with you Justin. It's been an honor.
J. Gilmore: Thanks again for your time! It has been an honor for me as well! God Bless!
For more information on Jon and the rest of the Ball Brothers, visit