This young dynamic group originally consisting of siblings formed in 2006. The journey to national prominence began in their home state of Illinois as the trio of brothers Andrew (Tenor), Daniel (Lead), and Stephen (Baritone) came together to form the Ball Brothers with other brother Josh running sound. The group's first recording ushered in a fresh take on a blend of contemporary and traditional Gospel style. The trio's impeccable and intricate harmonies immediately gained many fans. They continued to garner attention as they appeared as a guest performer on Ernie Haase & Signature Sound's Get Away Jordan concert video which was released in 2007. Josh Ball joined the group on stage after running sound during the early years providing the bass part. Beginning in 2007, the group released several well received recordings including Vocalized (2007), Christmas (2007), a collection of classic songs called Simplified (2008), Breakthrough (2009), Snowball (2010), and Recharged (2011).
In 2012, change came to the quartet with the departure of both Stephen and Josh. Stephen resigned from the group due to a degenerative hearing condition. Longtime friend of the family Andy Tharp joined the group to fill the baritone position. Chad McCloskey joined the group not long after as the new bass vocalist. Even with these changes, the group's dynamic sound was maintained. This lineup recorded several successful projects including Winterized ( the group's third Christmas CD in 2012), Vocalized 2 (2012), Strength (2012), and Pursuit (2014) which features songs such as "Someday," "Who's Gonna Stand In The Gap," and "Look To The Cross."
In early 2015, baritone Andy Tharp left the group and instead of hiring another baritone, the group hired former Inspirations baritone/ bass Jon Epley to sing bass. The then current bass Chad McCloskey moved up to baritone with the new addition. This new lineup has a bright future ahead of them. They are releasing a brand new recording of classic quartet songs with a new Ball Brother twist called #Throwback. The group recently returned from an exciting tour in Ireland as well. The Ball Brothers are dedicated to spreading the Gospel and truly believe in the God they sing about.
Here is a preview of their upcoming release:
For more information on the Ball Brothers, visit