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Spotlight Interview with Matt Fouch of Legacy Five




In November of last year, I had the opportunity to go see Legacy Five in concert in El Cajon, CA ( my third time seeing the group live). I also got the chance to chat with bass singer Matt Fouch and set up an interview. Before we go any further, I would like to personally thank Matt for taking time out of his busy shcedule to answer these questions for a new blogger. Thank you for being so kind to your fans!! I figured the first interview should be a bass vocalist as they are my personal favorites. So without further ado, here is the interview:

J. Gilmore: How did you get your start in Southern Gospel music?

M. Fouch: In 2004, I got connected with Matt Rankin and Soul'd Out and I audtioned for the bass position. He hired me and the group became Soul'd Out Quartet.

J. Gilmore: That's awesome!! You made the group a quartet and stayed with them for quite some time. What is one of your fondest memories with Soul'd Out?

M. Fouch: Wow, what a great question. I had many great memories with SOQT. My fondest would be the first time we sang on the mainstage at NQC. It was the first time any of us had sang there and we had a blast doing it together.

J. Gilmore: Wow! That must have been amazing! I have always wanted to go to the convention, but being out here in CA it's tough to go across the nation to go to it. Next question: Who are your musical influences?

M.Fouch: My family has been a big influence on my early years of music. I was raised to sing at church and did so.

J. Gilmore: Great! Who are your favorite SoGo groups?

M.Fouch: Two of my favorite groups today are the Booth Brothers and the Gaither Vocal Band.

J. Gilmore: Good choices! The GVB is one of my favorites as well! Now my favorite part of the quartet is the bass. Who is your favorite bass singer?

M.Fouch: Favorite bass singer is George Younce.

J. Gilmore: Yep. One of the best bass singer of all time!! Speaking of bass singing, what is the lowest note you've hit?

M. Fouch: A low G.

J. Gilmore: Wow! You probably hit a G at the El Cajon concert, I bet! haha On a more serious note, do you have a favorite Scripture verse?

M. Fouch: 2 Timothy 4:7

J. Gilmore: Great! After Glenn Dustin's departure, I was left wondering who would fill his spot. Then I heard you had left SOQT. So, how did you come in contact with Legacy Five?

M. Fouch: When L5 started the process of looking for a new bass, I had several friends who knew the L5 guys and they recommended me to Scott Fowler and connected us.

J. Gilmore: Awesome!! A great decision that was!! In the few years you have been with L5, what is your favorite part of traveling with the guys?

M. Fouch: Traveling with L5 has been a very pleasant experience. The guys are easy to get along with and we have a great time traveling the country singing this fantastic music.

J. Gilmore: That's great to hear!! Lastly, what advice do you have for any aspiring Gospel singers etc?

M. Fouch: Follow what you feel God has called an equipped you to do. Keep singing or playing and stay true to yourself and the God who created you!

J. Gilmore: That's awesome!! Great words of encouragement! Thanks for your time!

For more info on Legacy Five, check out their website:

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